The definitions of the calls are taken from this web site: If you have a computer, you may enjoy the animated clear demonstrations of each call.

Each week a couple of new calls will be added. Referring to these weekly sheets may help to clarify the calls for you.

TRADE BY: The couples facing each other pass thru, the couples facing out do a partner trade to face in.

WHEEL AROUND: The couple, working as a unit, turns around (180°). The left hand dancer backs up while the right hand dancer moves forward. The pivot point is the handhold between the two dancers.

FLUTTERWHEEL FAMILY: (a) FLUTTERWHEEL: The right hand dancers go in to the center and turn by the right forearm. As they move adjacent to the opposite dancer, they reach out with the free (left) hand and, taking the right hand of the opposite dancer, each continues on around to the original right hand dancer's starting position, releasing arms in the center and turning as a couple to face the center.

(b) REVERSE FLUTTERWHEEL: Generally the same as flutterwheel except that the two left-hand dancers start with a left forearm turn and pick up the opposite dancers to return to their (the left hand dancer's) starting position.

FERRIS WHEEL: The couples facing out wheel and deal to become the outside couples in a double pass thru formation. Meanwhile, the couples facing in step straight ahead to momentarily form a two-faced line in the center. Without stopping, they wheel and deal in that line to end as the center couples in a double pass thru formation.